Profile PictureGeorge Hutton

Verbal Assassin

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Verbal Assassin

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Verbal Assassin

Learn The Language Patters of Self Defense And Never Be Insulted, Manipulated or Taken Advantage of Ever Again

Conscious Training

  • Outframe Any Argument
  • Win Any Verbal Fight
  • Prove Anybody Wrong
  • Build Up Powerful Frame
  • Radiate Subconscious Strength
  • Frame Building Exercises
  • Non Verbal Communication Practice
  • Set Up Power Triggers
  • Primate Communication
  • Non Verbal Signals
  • Human Communication
  • Conscious Unconscious Interface
  • Why A List Actors Make Millions
  • Why Inner Game Leads Outer Game
  • Scientific Communication
  • Building Power States
  • Preparing For Specific People
  • Dealing With Sudden Attacks
  • Easily Handling Sudden Attacks
  • Use Their Energy Against Them
  • Teflon Defense System
  • Deadpan Reply Pattern
  • Building Deadpan Reply Response
  • Creating Instant Reframes
  • Powerful Pre Framing Techniques
  • How To Prepare For Any Event
  • Who Should Be Naked
  • The Ultimate Language Pattern
  • How To Destroy Them With Questions
  • Why Socrates Was Killed
  • The Power of The Socratic Method
  • Using Socrates To Obliterate Any Idea
  • Three Questions For Insult Destruction
  • The Subjective Human
  • Understanding Subjective Ideas
  • Obliterating Subjective Statements
  • Crushing Subjective Expressions
  • Why Everything Is Subjective
  • The Cause-Effect Paradox
  • How To Elicit Cause - Effect
  • How To Assume Cause - Effect
  • How To Disprove Any Cause - Effect Statement
  • How To Leverage Every Interaction
  • How To Learn From Fictional Interactions
  • How To Out Frame Fictional Interactions
  • How Every Conversation Can Teach You
  • Proactive Insult Fights
  • When To Fight Fire With Fire
  • How To Fight Fire With Fire
  • Cause Effect Killers
  • Stop Anybody Dead In Their Tracks
  • Make Everybody Respect Your Presence
  • Increase Earning Power
  • Increase Social Power
  • Daily Practice Tips
  • Thought Obliteration Techniques
  • How To Destroy Any Thought
  • Never Fear Any Statement
  • Welcome All Comments
  • Feel Absolute Conversational Power
  • Your Swiss Army Brain
  • Verbal Party Tricks
  • The Stand Up Comic Routine
  • Become The Center of Social Attention
  • The Structure of Humor
  • Become Famous For Your Wit
  • Turn Any Comment Into Comedy Gold
  • Negative Belief Destruction
  • Destroy All Negative Beliefs
  • Destroy Yours And Theirs
  • Worst Case Scenario Planning
  • How To Preframe Any Conversation
  • How To Win Any Argument
  • Win Arguments Before They Start
  • Human Emotional Soft Spots
  • How To Cause Horror With a Whisper
  • The Office Gossip Bomb
  • How To Allude Negative Social Proof
  • Deadly Language Theory
  • Building Deadly Language Patterns
  • Rehearsing Deadly Statements
  • One Statement Mind Destruction
  • Anonymous Notes Of Doom
  • The Whisper of Death
  • One Note To Cause Nightmares
  • Deadly Language Examples
  • Book Of The Dead
  • How To Build Your Personal Kill List
  • Create Custom Enemy Death Statements
  • How To Become The Secret Office Assassin
  • How To Identify All Enemies
  • How to Terrify All Enemies
  • The Cold Stare
  • Inner Game Of Death
  • Create Subconscious Obedience
  • Generate Subconscious Fear
  • Never Ending Confidence
  • Defense Against The Dark Arts
  • How To Untangle Complicated Insults
  • The Tommy DeVito Pattern
  • How To Make All Insulters Squirm
  • Powerful Language Training
  • Gray Area Transitions
  • Subconscious To Subconscious Tactics
  • Deadly Metaphors
  • Metaphorical Pacing
  • Never Fear Anybody Again
  • Increase Income
  • Increase Confidence
  • Increase Social Value
  • Skyrocket Party Skills
  • Project Frame Domination
  • Much, Much, More

Subconscious Programming

Session Descriptions

Gaslighter Defense

Never be taken advantage of again. Obliterate all manipulation attempts. Send sleazy people fleeing for cover. Defend your frame with vicious power and assertive dominance.

Narcissist Annihilation

Eject all selfish time wasters forever. Remove social and mental parasites from your life. Forever obliterate energy vampires. Take control of your brain, your time and your self.

Linguistic Brilliance

Spit mad game that impresses everybody. Use words and phrases that dazzle them and spin their minds. Create a love party around you wherever you are. Speak elegant language and makes their dreams come true.

Rock Solid Frame

Win every frame battle and dominate every frame test. Radiate pure leadership wherever you go. Be the go to person when things go sideways. Attract subconscious desire from everybody everywhere.

Bad Idea Destruction

Obliterate unhelpful beliefs. Destroy bad arguments in seconds. Crush half baked ideas with elegance and humor. Uplift everybody and become a hero of their mind.

Ruthless Game

Leave all inhibitions behind and take no prisoners. Radiate dominant bad boy energy and make hearts skip beats. Create irresistible desire simply by gazing their direction. Become more attractive than their greatest lover ever.

Social Hero

Win the hearts and minds of everybody everywhere. Become a beacon of hope for those desperate for friendliness and kindness. Be a superhero and destroy evil villains who threaten happiness. Gain friends and fans everywhere you go.

Master Mix

All sessions mixed together. Rapidly accelerate your linguistic powers. Pack your brain with positive beliefs about your verbal intelligence. Transform your communication into a ruthless super weapon to destroy evil.

Destroy All Enemies

Subconscious power, deadpan delivery or a non-stop verbal smackdown. Choose whichever you want and send them packing.

Get this course now and never fear anybody ever again.

Party Hero

Toned down and playful insights are the perfect party tricks. Take any statement anybody says and twist into a pretzel of side splitting laughter.

Get this course now and be a social super star.

Become A Master Of Thought

Learn the structure of thought and obliterate any ideas you don't like. Out-argue anybody on Earth.

Get this course now and become a communication super hero</span>.

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