Self Esteem

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Self Esteem

Get Powerful Confidence and Relentless Social Skills By Easily Strengthening Your Most Vital Component

Conscious Training

Why Self Esteem is Vital

Real vs. Fake Self Esteem

Why Real Self Esteem Takes Time

The Quickness of Fake Self Esteem

Necessary Metaphors

Descriptive Metaphors

Understanding Underlying Truth

Metaphorical Maps vs. Reality

Why Understanding Reality Is Vital

The Attraction Of False Promises

The Danger of False Promises

The Necessity of Understanding

Sense of Self

Reality and Our Awareness

Sensory Organs

Subjective and Objective Data

A Critical Meta Skill

Shifting Between Objective and Subjective

Self Esteem Must Inspire New Skills

Biological Humans

The Scientific Constraint

Why Self Esteem Must Adhere To Science

How To Make Self Esteem Measurable

The Role of Instincts

Drivers of Behaviors

The Borg Model

Why Ignoring Instincts Is Impossible

Basic Human Instincts

Food - A Matter of Life or Death

Sex - The Most Desired Non Necessary Instinct

Social Instincts - Complications

Empty Instincts Model

Food and Sugar

False Positive Social Validation

False Negative Social Validation

The Self Esteem Sugar High

The Self Esteem Sugar Crash

Brains and Bodies

The Nature of Self Awareness

Surface Level Brains

Deep Level Instincts

Cause Effect Conundrum

The Most Common Mistake

Rewiring The Reality Paradox

Cause Effect Paradox

Misunderstanding Self As Cause

Disconnecting Self As Cause

The Nature of Free Will

The Captain and Ship Metaphor

Tankers vs. Motorboats

Planning vs. Momentary Choice

New Instinct Generator

Self Esteem Killing Failures

Re-Calibrating Instincts

Mirror Neurons and Projection

The Kick In The Nuts Response

The Natural Of Externalized Pain

The Lighting Fast Self Deceiver

The Way Out

How To Escape Assumptions

Retraining Your Thinking

The Economic Insight

Juggling Past - Now - Future

Building Future Sight

Shining Light Into The Future

What All Living Things Share

Why Humans Are Different

Maximize Your Uniqueness

Building Daily Habits

Creating Daily Momentum

Become Inspired By Your Past

How To Build An Inspiring Past

The Structure of Blame

The Structure of Victimhood

No Need For Forgiveness

Removing Emotions From Events

Removing Intentions From Bad Actors

The Intention Instinct

Daily Reframing Skills

Create Your Own Intention

Memory Rewriting Techniques

Reframing Daily Events

Building Your Reframing Muscle

Reframing Muscle and Frame Strength

Reframing Muscle and Leadership Skills

Reframing Ancient Memories

Time Travel Reframing

Turning Villains Into Comic Relief

Assertive Communication

Developing Emotional Stability

Negative Energy Manipulation

Negative Energy Deflection

Defending Emotional Attacks

Reversing Emotional Attacks

Effortless Defense System

Setting Strong Boundaries

Making Boundaries Self Explanatory

Turning Boundaries Into Attraction

Trespassers Will Be Shot

Self Mind Control

Thought Replacement

How To Eject Negative Thoughts

How To Eliminate Worry and Anxiety

Building Go-To Positive Thoughts

Creating Compelling Directions

Slow Daily Habits

Building Self Esteem Momentum

Radiating Self Esteem Energy

Strong Frame - Strong Direction

True Leadership Skills

Get People To Qualify Themselves

Make Your Presence One In A Million

Starting From Scratch

Building A Daily Practice

Creating Self Sustaining Behaviors

Create A Magnetic Future

Much, Much More

Subconscious Programming

Session Descriptions

Appreciation Generator

Feel deep appreciation for your life and everything in it. Reduce false limitations and embrace your full potential. Develop a deep sense of love for everything, including your true self. Release stress and anxiety and replace them with pure acceptance.

Maximum Future

Skyrocket your ambition and feel excited about your future. Feel your life as a heroic journey. Live your purpose and embrace your mission. Release past inhibitions and blast into your potential. Feel genuine excitement every single day.

Self Love Generator

Feel pure, honest, absolute love for yourself. Forgive all your past mistakes. Radiate a strong, irresistibly attractive frame of self appreciation. Behave and communicate congruently and attract positive situations.

Self Respect Generator

Deeply approve of yourself. Enjoy taking care of your body and your mind. Feel a deep sense of purpose in your core. Eject manipulators and time wasters and qualify like a boss. Become an in-demand person.

Social Respect

Radiate the energy that invites love and appreciation from others. Become the one they want to be around. Eject social anxiety and replace it with social confidence and charisma. Operate socially like a natural and create relationships with ease.


Never be stopped by obstacles again. Eagerly destroy inhibitions and feel your ambition growing exponentially. Create goals and intentions that turn into burning desires of success. Be known for your massive resilience and never ending success.

Valuable Human

Be truly admired and sought after. Improve the lives of everybody you interact with. Be truly in demand and choose who you spend your precious time and energy with. Deliver irreplaceable value wherever and whenever you operate.

Master Mix

All sessions mixed together. Fill your brain with positive beliefs of self love and self respect. Eradicate all negative beliefs and self judgement. Explode your willingness to actively engage with others and create your ideal life.

Eject All Anxiety

With a solid and growing self esteem, anxiety and worry will be a thing of the past. Continuous improvement and discovery of your life will be the new normal.

Get this course now and launch your new life.

Radiate True Confidence

No matter what you do, where you go, you'll feel confident you can get it done. You'll know it, and so will everybody else. You'll be the one they defer to, the one they look to for advice.

Get this course now and discover your true purpose.

Develop Natural Leadership

Humans are hierarchical. We feel it all the time. The higher your self esteem, the higher you'll be in any hierarchy.

Get this course now and rule your world.

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Self Esteem

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