Profile PictureGeorge Hutton

Alpha Female

3 ratings

Transform Yourself Into An Ultra Confident, Magnetically Seductive Woman And Attract Your Soul Mate

Conscious Training - Subconscious Programming

Ultimate Self-Confidence

  • Easily Handle Anything
  • Fully Trust Yourself
  • Take Charge Attitude
  • Crush Self Doubt
  • Obliterate Fears
  • Calm Confidence In All Situations
  • Genuine Self Appreciation
  • Role Model To Others
  • Natural Leader Mindset
  • Easily Capitalize Opportunities
  • Unlimited Desire For New Situations

You Are Gorgeous

  • Radiate Stunning Beauty
  • Turn Heads Everywhere
  • Instant Center Of Attention
  • Naturally Seductive Body Language
  • Naturally Seductive Voice
  • Naturally Seductive Movements
  • Men Come To You
  • Fire Up An Entire Room
  • See The Desire In Their Faces
  • Jaw Dropping Energy
  • Mesmerizing Charm

Unbreakable Boundaries

  • Easily Say No
  • Effortlessly Say Stop
  • Naturally Say What's NOT OK
  • Feel Comfortable Anywhere
  • Easily Eject Boundary Breakers
  • Calmly Assert Your Rights
  • Confidently Speak Up
  • Set Examples For Others
  • Generate Even More Attraction
  • Become The Natural Prize
  • Absolutely Own Your Space

All Men Love You

  • Believe It Then See It
  • Choose From Hundreds of Potential Lovers
  • Choice Among Dream Men
  • Never Settle Again
  • Hold Your High Standards
  • See Their Desire Before They Do
  • Never Wonder Again
  • Always Feel In Control
  • Always Feel Desired
  • Flirt Like A Goddess
  • Powerfully Attractive Magnetism

Self Love

  • Love Yourself No Matter What
  • Complete Self Acceptance
  • No Need To Change
  • Express Your True Self
  • Completely Release The Past
  • Feel Perfect Just As You Are
  • Accept Every Part Of You
  • Radiate Powerful Loving Energy
  • Fully Nurture Your Inner Child
  • Always Be Happy
  • Complete Self Reliance

Always Good Enough

  • Feel Perfection NOW
  • Zero Need To Change For Anybody
  • Complete Self Satisfaction
  • See Your Life As Perfect
  • Never Blame Yourself Again
  • Say Goodbye To Guilt
  • Learn From Every Encounter
  • Confidence After Every Interaction
  • Never Ending Growth
  • Perfect Place - Perfect Time
  • Always Feel Right Where You Need To Be

Ideal Career

  • Learn Anything
  • Master Any Skill
  • Develop Financial Independence
  • Always Take Care Of Your Own
  • Ditch Financial Dependence
  • Awaken Your Choice
  • Be Fully Self Sustainable
  • Eliminate Finances From Emotional Choices
  • Pursue Your Dream Job
  • Awaken Your True Potential
  • Master The Business World

Master Mix

All Sessions Blended Together. 1792 voices of Alpha Female brain blast, when you absolutely, positively, need to fire up your femininity in a hurry!

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Alpha Female

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